Author name: owerslloyd

Playing wide to Attack

This session is aimed to focus on combinations, movement off the ball and playing wide to attack. It starts with a technical unopposed session before moving to 2 SSG’s. It is planned using 16 players, including 2xGK’s. Twitter: @LloydOwers

Technical: Passing, Receiving, Movement, Combinations.

This is a technical practice which works on a range of technical components as well as cognitive elements (psychological corner). It can be made competitive (social) as well as physical due to changing intensities required. There are 4 variations/progressions shows but there are many ways that this can be adapted and progressed to challenge the …

Technical: Passing, Receiving, Movement, Combinations. Read More »

3 Finishing SSG’s

Below are 3 Small Sided Games (SSG’s) aimed to focus on finishing. Encourage ‘shooting on sight’, and coach the movement off the ball, timing of the runs, weight of supporting pass/cross and type of finish. Enjoy! Twitter – @LloydOwers

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