Coach Development

Trevor Morgan

This one comes from Trevor Morgan, a British coach currently in Australia following spells coaching across the globe after a successful professional playing career – providing a honest and humble interview.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

My football journey…..could be a long trip……..

I played around 450 games in the League for many different clubs before becoming a Player Coach then Assistant manager under ex Leeds and England  player Terry Cooper at Exeter City twice and Birmingham City. I also played In Hong Kong for 2 years before moving to Australia in 1997.

Since then I have worked in Head Coach positions in the top Leagues here and also in Singapore, Malaysia and India before becoming National Team Head Coach in Bhutan.

In 2008 I worked for one year to work with the U23s at Hull City who had gained promotion to the Premier League before before retuning to Australia. I also had a spell for 2 years in the Indian Super League at Kerala Blasters where I assisted both David James then Peter Taylor.

At the moment I am helping out at Sorrento FC here in Perth in the NPL where we are enjoying our off season break before returning for pre season training on Nov 15th.

What is it about your role that you love?

Nothing, outside of playing, is better than the feeling you get when the ref blows the whistle and you have won……also being able to see the improvements in players you are working with is a good feeling. Learning from losing and learning from winning has helped me become better although I must say enjoying the good times in football is far better than learning from a loss…….

What have you found different from coaching in the UK? Are there any challenges that you currently face or have previously faced from coaching abroad?

Nothing is different regarding preparation and how we approach the game, football all over the world is the same its more of how you get the best out of your players and are respectful of the culture of the country you are working in.

I would like to think that through my actions I earnt the respect of the players not just because I come from a footballing country and was a professional player.

Are there any countries that you would love to coach in? If so, why?

I would work in any country and enjoy my time there as its the football that attracts me not the country. I have lived in some lovely places and some not so lovely but its the football that matters

Do you have a preferred style to coaching?

preferred style……not sure……the only thing that keeps you in a job is winning regardless of formations or how the team perform. I would say I am adaptable and will change the team shape at any time to counteract what the opposition do in order to try and win the game.

What is your next step? What is your long term aim?

My next step will always be decided by my next employer……..the only way I can carry on is if someone gives me the opportunity. Long term aims in football are very difficult to achieve given how quickly you are replaced if things are not going well.

Any tips for other coaches out there in regards to coaching? What about tips for coaching abroad?

I would recommend coaching abroad to any aspiring coach’s out there.  Learning about different cultures,  people and lifestyles have given me a much more open mind in regards to my approach and too how I now deal with players.

All I’d say regarding coaching tips is make sure you have a return ticket and are comfortable in your accommodation. Treat the players as you would like to be treated and be honest with them.

Thanks Trevor!


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