Happy Monday everyone!
This is a session that I have delivered previously to a range of groups: PE lessons, Advanced Youth and U23’s with professional players – thankfully, all enjoyed it!
It’s a SSG which encourages: Attacking, Defending, Transition, Communication, Positioning/Movement, Overloads/Underloads, Finishing, Decision Making, Creativity and fun(!)
It starts with a 2v2 on 4 mini pitches. If a player scores, they move to the pitch on their right (however, they can’t move if they’re in a 1v1 at that time). You will end up with some bigger numbers in tight spaces – great… how do players then cope with varying decisions?
Below is a series of images showing the game with movements. If you wish to see the animated video, head to my Twitter page: @LloydOwers (a follow is hugely welcome!)

Here’s to hoping you enjoyed it. Please let me know if you tried it, but remember, adapt it to suit the needs of the players within your groups.
Twitter: @LloydOwers