As part of our new community group on Twitter, myself, Ross from Tactical Thinker and Temisan from Become Excel are choosing topics to 1) test each other and 2) offer insight to a range of topics to our community members. Check out our twitter pages for the group link.
This was a good one to do. It was enjoyable as it allowed for game play with technical insight.
The session is based on 17 players – why? Because we all know we love even numbers and see an odd as a pain sometimes, so why not try an odd numbered plan?!
It starts slow with 2 groups working simultaneously before moving into whole group activities.
NOTE: These are just the pictures of the pitch/slide. If you wish to watch the animated videos, please give me a Twitter follow: @LloydOwers
Part 1:
- Players not locked into 3rds
- 2 passes in defensive 3rd before progressing, UNLESS won in transition
- Defenders aim to win possession high in attacking 3rd

Part 2:
- Blues can score freely
- Blue GK starts play
- Reds stop forward passes by angling body
- When red attacker sprints, this sets team press who press high to engage
- Traps: slow pass; poor touch; square pass; big passing distance

Part 3:
Red attacker sets press.
- Slow run: team hold shape
- Fast run: team press
- Stop forward and central passes by angling body and closing space with positioning

Twitter: @LloydOwers